The Phantom Bible
6th Phantom
Wiki Link for list of stories:
Years Active:
The 6th Phantom is one of the most famous Phantom's after creating the Jungle Patrol, besting a pirate as a best friend and then marrying a queen all in the same adventure.
Perhaps the youngest Phantom to swear the oath being 16.
Takes all sorts of risks and a lot of the time struggled to find the difference and balance between courage and foolishness.
Lee Falk has sometimes mixed up the 6th Phantom with the 7th but the 6th created the Jungle Patrol and married Natala of Navarre / France. Joonkar is another who has been linked to both the 6th and 7th. Lee Falk and Team Fantomen has had more stories linked to the 7th, so we believe Joonkar first befriended the 7th Phantom.
Described as one of the greatest of the Phantom lines
Has a short temper
Used limited words in his Chronicle writing.
Redbeard often called him 'runt' - Redbeard was much bigger but its unsure if its because the 6th was small or just smaller than Redbeard who was a giant.
Was the first Phantom to train and use Falcons and Monkeys to carry messages in and out from the Skull Cave
His weapons consisted of a sword and flint lock gun(s)
Details of Death
The 6th Phantom was shot with the bullet being stuck in his spin which paralyzed him. The wound and bullet unable to come out turned skeptic and poisoned him, causing his death. No mention on the battle that caused this fatal wound.
Gallery of Phantom