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4th Phantom

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Years Active:


A real conflicted Phantom and definitely the unluckiest Phantom.

His first wife died young, then fell in love with several women but nothing happened including one dying by poison while being pregnant to his child (Giovanna). He buried himself in studies and basically gave up on the role as the Phantom. He then did marry again - her name is not mentioned.

Team Fantomen have contradictory information about his second wife. One story has that he never remarried, another has the 5th Phantom at his mums (or step mums) death bed.

Feels like his relationship with his step mum (Pura) wasn't ideal either. His mum (Rosamunda) died while an infant. Feel this probably added to his bad luck.

He also lost the skull ring and it wasn't found during his lifetime but instead found by his son - the 5th. Was really depressed about loosing the ring and it bothered him until his death.

  • Was in Europe studying during the 30 year war.

  • Made an effort to not side in the war, stayed neutral.

  • Studied Mathematics and astronomy at Oxford - later on studied philosophy included receiving his doctorate. He would be the most educated Phantom and likely the smartest.

  • Ran away from school like his son and spent three years as a slave - adding to his bad luck.

  • Hair is blonde

  • Was the first Phantom to deal with the Vultures meeting the first leader

  • His weapons consisted of a sword and flint lock gun(s)

Details of Death

Only information about the 4th Phantoms death is that he charged his son the added responsibility to find the missing Skull Ring. Which he did.

Gallery of Phantom

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