The Phantom Bible
Other Tribes from Bangalla Region
In stories created by both Lee Falk, Team Fantomen, Tony DePaul and others there has been over 200 different tribes mentioned. This bible is not going to mention all 200 odd of them, we will talk about the most common - click the Phantom Wiki link to view all the tribes.
We recommend using the most known and common tribes and creators need to stop creating lost tribes. Some minor tribes are:
In Africa alone there are over 450 tribes and many more subgroups. For example, in South Africa you have 5 main tribes. In Kenya which is located on the east coast around where the location of Bangalla would be, there are 7 main tribes and 120+ subgroups.
There is a distinct possibility that you can have 7 main tribes of Bangalla (Tirangi, Mori, Llongo, Wambesi, Bandar, Oogaan and the Rope People) and several smaller tribes/subgroups.
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