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Juliet Adams Walker

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Interaction with Phantom
6th Phantom
5th Phantom

Daughter of Captain Adams, whose mum died while she was 12 years old. Travelled with her father from 20 years old. She first met the 5th Phantom while running from corrupt Portuguese officials. Once her dad died, she was labelled as a pirate and soon nicknamed as Captain Amazon - Pirate Queen.

5th Phantom then rescued her again when captured by Juan Muerto. She would then end up killing Juan a few years later after he captured her husband.

Team Fantomen have swapped Juliet Adams as the 15th Phantoms wife instead of the 5th. This is incorrect - Juliet is the wife of the 5th Phantom.

Juliet is a strong willed woman who does not take no for answer. She captain a ship full of men in her early to mid 20's.


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