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General Babo Bababu

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21st Phantom

Big powerful gorilla type man who can kill a man easily with his hands. Was raised in the jungle and then joined the colonial army, rose quickly with his fighting and killing nature.

Swapped sides in the independence war when the tide had turned which shows a self preservation. Lost the election and took control over Bangalla. Has several times since tried to take control over Bangalla by discrediting, kidnapping and killing Luaga.

Has escaped jail and been in exile several times. Obviously has a cult like following with many men at his disposal and unlimited resources to be able to escape, run an army and hire goons to do his dirty work for him.

No reference to his tribe of birth. Has an adult daughter called Lily Luaga who married Luaga's son Lon. No reference to the mother. With a name Lily, his daughter obviously has Llongo heritage - either from the mum or from Bababu, even though his name doesn't start with an L.

Has a younger wife called Dr Imelda Bababu who was a plastic surgeon.

In the future timeline, after an earthquake, Bababu has gained control again of Mawitaan and parts of Bangalla.

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